
October 3, 2017

This year on the blog I want to begin featuring more of our life as a homeschooling family. I have to admit I wasn’t sold on the idea of homeschooling. I wanted the girls to go to school and that be that. But as they got older I began researching diligently about the schools around… Read More

Can you believe it? Back to school ads and commercials are happening already! I get it. Kids and parents all like to get mentally prepared to take on the new school year! Getting prepared early enough allows for an easy transition from summertime to school time! Back to school means something a little different to… Read More

And just like that…we have a six month old. Half a year this precious, sweet boy has graced us with his presence. I know as we parents always talk about time just flying by but my goodness, I swear it was just yesterday I was holding him for the first time. These six months have… Read More

I have a love/hate relationship with grocery shopping. I love when I get to go solo. I love when all three kids behave perfectly and allow for a successful shopping trip. I hate crowded stores. I hate when all three kids act like they have been hopped up on sugar for hours, leaving me in… Read More