I have a confession…today I am another year older. I am now comfortably sitting in my 30s wondering how did I get here? Each year continues to get faster, whipping by before I can even embrace my new age. I love where I am in life. it is beautiful and chaotic. I am exactly where… Read More
Kristen » Page 18
Today is the day. It is the day to start celebrating the leaves falling, pumpkin spice everything, and cooler weather. Fall is my favorite time of year. I love planning fun activities to do and this year is no exception. This year I decided to make a fall bucket list so that we will make… Read More
It was a beautiful and sunny Sunday. Anticipation of the first football Sunday was upon us. I had high hopes for this Sunday. A list was made. Unfortunately I woke up with a terrible head cold. Every part of me ached and moaned for anything to ease the pain. Determination was within me just the… Read More
Yesterday, school officially begun for us. I did not feel anywhere near prepared but we went for it. They were so excited to start this adventure. Of course the first day would not be complete without pictures. They were all smiles yesterday but I think it will all quickly fade when they realize this is… Read More
A new month is upon us. With a new month comes a fresh start. An ability to look ahead and create a list of things that should be accomplished. I have always been a person with lists and goals. I many times falter on completing those lists and goals but find it extremely important in… Read More
As parents when we have made a decision, usually we have felt confident with that decision. Secure and able to move forward. However that is not always the case. I cannot begin to explain the magnitude of our emotions. A few weeks back we made the decision of sending our five year old to public… Read More
It is time again for another follow Friday! Social media gives us the opportunity to reach out to others, shop big or small, stay connected, create friendships. A few weeks ago I was able to connect with Courtney Packer from YAY prints. The moment I checked out her Etsy shop, I wanted prints. I was… Read More
There are not many times when my husband and I get away. Ok to be exact since Annaliese was born in 2010 we have never gotten away. Also in that amount of time we have only been on five dates. So you could say that this past weekend was definitely a much needed getaway. There… Read More
Last week I had the honor to write my first ever guest post! It was nerve wrecking but I got it accomplished! It is all about kindergarten prep!It is a small list of things to look over to see if your child to prepared for the next step of kindergartner! Please head over to http://www.greenteaandcotton.com/2015/07/guest-post-kindergarten-prep.html?m=0!… Read More
So what do you do when you get a new headwrap? You take pictures of course. My poor girls and what I make them do! We go out exploring and mom turns it into a picture taking opportunity! I am absolutely in love with small shops that I find on instagram. They offer up the… Read More