currently loving » Page 2

April 24, 2017

Happy Monday Friends I love when a weekend leaves me feeling refreshed. It was such a beautiful spring weekend, that I really think we can say goodbye to winter. We managed to do a little cleaning outdoors and put the trampoline up. The girls were so excited and of course impatient about the process of… Read More

April 10, 2017

Happy Monday Friends! What a beautiful weekend we had here in Michigan. The sun was shining, the temperatures were warmer, and we had a little taste of what our summer will be like; busy, very busy! Our whole weekend was packed full of things to accomplish and do! On Sunday, our oldest Annaliese turned seven…. Read More

March 27, 2017

Happy Monday Friends! Hope everyone had a beautiful weekend! We had a busy weekend spending time down at the in laws. It is always nice to get away and be able to de-stress. I even got to leave all three kids with grandma to go grocery shopping. I know real fun there! But any chance… Read More

March 20, 2017

Happy Monday Friends! Another week behind us and the best part is… today is SPRING!!!! We have made it through another winter! Unfortunately around here we will not see spring weather for a few weeks but the worst is behind us. This past weekend was St. Patrick’s Day and it was only fitting to dress… Read More

March 6, 2017

Happy Monday Friends! Monday already? These weeks just seem to be flying by! It is the first full week of March and I am starting to get the spring cleaning bug. I am ready to start purging and prepping for warmer weather! Plus I have had a craving to shop which could be very dangerous…. Read More

February 27, 2017

Happy Monday friends! What a great week and weekend we had! First the week was absolutely beautiful and allowed us to spend some time outside! Getting three kids outside and all happy can be difficult but I am so glad it all worked out! For the weekend my sister came up to spend some time… Read More

February 20, 2017

*This post contains affiliate links. Happy Monday friends!!! This weekend was amazing!!! Living in the snow belt of Michigan, winters are long and snowy. But when the forecast calls for high 40s and low 50s with sunshine, us Michiganders feel like we hit the lottery! We wear shorts, drive with the windows down, and open… Read More