homeschool » Page 2

October 3, 2017

This year on the blog I want to begin featuring more of our life as a homeschooling family. I have to admit I wasn’t sold on the idea of homeschooling. I wanted the girls to go to school and that be that. But as they got older I began researching diligently about the schools around… Read More

September 11, 2015

Yesterday, school officially begun for us. I did not feel anywhere near prepared but we went for it. They were so excited to start this adventure. Of course the first day would not be complete without pictures.  They were all smiles yesterday but I think it will all quickly fade when they realize this is… Read More

September 1, 2015

As parents when we have made a decision, usually we have felt confident with that decision. Secure and able to move forward. However that is not always the case. I cannot begin to explain the magnitude of our emotions. A few weeks back we made the decision of sending our five year old to public… Read More