Kristen » Page 19

July 23, 2015

On Wednesday July 15th, my whole world came crashing down. I received a phone call no one wants. At 11:30 in the morning my sister called letting me know that our dad was in the hospital. He had a seizure. He was not in good shape. However the day continued. As my dad lay suffering… Read More

I am a complete mess. I am absolutely and utterly perplexed that I have a five year old. This means that she gets to venture off into the world of school. I have never been more terrified. For a year now my husband and I have been battling back and forth with what the right… Read More

July 13, 2015

Over the holiday weekend my brother, sister in law, and niece came to stay with us. I instantly thought that it was a perfect time to get pictures of my niece Lucy and the girls. I knew that Lucy had a super cute outfit to wear for the fourth of July so a plan was… Read More

July 10, 2015

There are some people that I “meet” on instagram that become more than just a person to follow. They become my friend. I absolutely adore following and keeping in touch with Amanda from @stellar_co. She hand paints letters, plaques, and vinyls. She closely works with the customer to create a unique and one of a… Read More

July 8, 2015

I have never claimed to be a photographer. I have heard wonderful comments about my photos but believe I have so much more to learn before I am comfortable enough to call myself a photographer. I am just a mom obsessed with taking pictures! A few weeks ago we went to my in-laws house to… Read More

July 2, 2015

What is summer without popsicles? What do you do when your children are asking for some but you do not have any in the freezer? You make your own! It was time to put the popsicle mold that I bought a year ago to good use. It was a simple one that I found at… Read More

June 26, 2015

I decided it was time to start Follow Friday! What is that you might ask? Every Friday I will feature a person or shop that I have found on social media and that I have come to love. About a week ago while searching instagram, I came across a shop that sales sunglasses. I am… Read More

June 21, 2015

There have been many individuals that have come into my life and have made a difference. Changed my perspective. Changed the way I lived. Changed my emotions. One individual that has changed my whole world is my husband. I knew the moment that I met him that he was the one. Within a month we… Read More

June 16, 2015

As a stay at home mom I have to admit sometimes I cannot wait for the end of the day. The point of the day when it is time to get the girls ready for bed. I love my children. I adore them. I want to be around them. But when it is 8pm I… Read More

You know we all have done it when we were younger. The moment after a nice rain storm. As the clouds part and the sun begins to shine. The left over rain sparkling outside. The big puddles calling your name. Jump, splash, repeat. Yesterday we had a wonderful storm pass through. It was about 20… Read More