Our Holiday-Old Traditions

Tradition: the transmission of customs or

beliefs from generation to generation, or

the fact of being passed on in this way

During this time of year every family is taking moments out of their days to share in traditions that have been passed down. These moments are joyous and exciting. Expected but never boring. Traditions make for special times among those that we love and cherish. Traditions build long lasting memories that make us smile.

One of my fondest traditions that I had growing up was watching White Christmas with my dad on Christmas Eve. My family on my dad’s side would celebrate together on Christmas Eve and when we would come home from the festivities, no matter how late it was, we would pop in the good ole VHS and plop down and watch the entire movie. We would sing, we would laugh, we would all be cozy warm on the couch as a family. Though my dad is no longer with us, my siblings and I continue the tradition of watching it together on Christmas Eve. This year will be a little different due to my family’s work schedules, but on the 23rd, we will snuggle up on the couch and watch just like we always do. We will sing, we will laugh. It is something so important to me. I admit I will probably watch it again on Christmas Eve and think about my dad and wish he was sitting right next to me.

Now with having children it is fun to continue traditions that I had as a child and build ones as a family for them to continue one day as parents. First up I am sharing two old traditions that we have been doing for years.

1.Gingerbread houses. This is such a fun time with girls. Watching them create and decorate their home is quite the adventure. This year Josh found a whole gingerbread village. It consisted of five small houses so we each got our own.

2. Making cookies. The girls absolutely love to bake. Every chance we get we are baking something up in the kitchen. One cookie we make sure we bake year after year are sugar cookies! What better cookie to bake with little ones. They love deciding on what cookie cutters to use, mixing the batter, and making our own sugar icing.

It is so enjoyable to share these moments with my girls and continue to uphold traditions that mean something to me. This year it was not just about old traditions. We decided to add a couple new traditions to our holiday! Be sure to check back tomorrow for a post all about these new traditions!