A Great Way to Add Iron to a Breastfeeding Baby

Finnegan has been a great eater since the moment he was born. He latched right away and loved to eat exactly three hours apart. I chose to strictly breastfeed him for the first six months and then began to slowly introduce solids to him. Here now at 14 months, he eats three solid meals and breastfeeds five times a day. So yeah eating seems to be his top priority.

breastfed baby

breastfed baby

With him being my third child, I knew already that his first solid would be Gerber infant cereal. It has been my go to with all three children and offers so many benefits for my children. One of those is adding iron to Finn’s diet. Iron is extremely important in supporting healthy brain development. Not only does Gerber infant cereal provide iron for Finnegan but also provides essential nutrients such as zinc, calcium, vitamin C, E, and six B vitamins.

Other health benefits include no artificial colors or flavors, made with non-GMO products, and packaged in a BPA free container. This gives me the assurance that he is truly getting what he needs for healthy development.

breastfed baby

breastfed baby

Here are ways to prepare Gerber infant cereal for a Breastfeeding Baby

Cereal with breastmilk- Gerber infant cereal is a great companion to breastfed babies. It easily mixes with breastmilk to maintain familiarity with baby.

Cereal with Gerber food jars- Once ready to offer more variety to baby’s diet, add half a jar of fruit or veggies to the cereal.

Cereal with mashed banana- This is one of Finnegan’s favorites. When baby is ready to have a little more texture to their food, this is a great way to maintain familiarity (using infant cereal) while introducing new foods.

Gerber infant cereal continues to be a staple for Finnegan and his eating adventures. I love that I am able to extent our breastfeeding journey and know that he is getting every nutrient he needs for his healthy development.

If you haven’t tried it yet, I have a coupon HERE for you! It is the perfect addition to your breastfed baby’s diet!

click here for a Gerber Infant Cereal coupon!

breastfeeding baby