What a year…

December 27, 2014
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Ummm….2014 where did you go? I was just ringing in the new year with my siblings talking about what a year it will be. Now I am writing in reflection of what a year it was. This year we, as a family,  have seen good times and bad. We have seen new people enter our lives and old ones make heartbreaking exits. We have seen adventure. We have seen growth. We have seen continued love.

One of my journeys in 2014 was to take a picture every single day in order to look back and reminiscence about the days of 2014. Some days were easy while others were hard. Many days I spent at home with my girls doing ordinary things. However it has taught me that even the ordinary things are beautiful and worth looking back on. A picture of the girls doing their every day normal activities is just as precious to me as the pictures where I tried to think outside the box. The beauty and growth that I get to see in my children are all documented within these photos.


My sweet Annaliese. She has grown so much in this last year. Long ago are the days of her baby face and sweet demeanor. This year brought about the ferocious fours. The attitude, the looks, the personality. How can something so tiny possess so much fierceness? It was literally like having a back-talking, door-slamming, head shaking teenager. Most of the times all I could do is sit back and say “wow”. I was not prepared. It is still something my husband and I are trying to get through!


Oh and then my precious Madelyn. She still has the baby face and the willing to crawl into my lap and snuggle. It is one of my favorite moments. However she most definitely embraced with open arms the treacherous threes. She is mischievous and knows exactly how to play the baby card. She has the ability to throw her sister under the bus without the blink of an eye. But then will immediately bombard her sister in hugs and kisses. Madelyn does have a tender heart. It is one quality’s that she got from my husband and that I am so very thankful for.


Another one of my journeys in 2014 was to blog. I have to admit I am not very happy with myself in succeeding this goal. I struggled to find time. I should actually say that I struggled to make time. It is such a beautiful experience to sit down in front of a computer and write my feelings. My mama always told me that I was better at expressing my feelings through writing than through talking. I find it therapeutic. I find it stress relieving. I find it to be one more thing that I can look back on and read how I was feeling during certain moments.

It has been a memorable year. I am so thankful for the family and friends that are in my life. Each person has made an impact. Each person has shared in my story. So let us say goodbye to 2014 and embrace the possibilities of 2015!