Wow! I cannot believe I am entering into the third trimester. In three short months I will be holding this baby boy in my arms. Cannot wait for that moment!
So what has been happening the last four weeks? Well for starters this boy is such a mover. I have it pinned down to the times throughout the day that he will move and kick in my belly.Lucky me he is moving around every two hours! We are now even able to see a foot or hand moving from one side to the other side which the girls find rather freaky. I love watching the girls reactions as they feel him move. The excitement and joy that they have makes this experience so much more worthwhile. Annaliese asks every day when he will be born. She wants him right now. Both girls continue to talk and sing to him every chance they get. It is so amazing to see how much love they have for him already.
I took the super awesome glucose test and it came back abnormal so I will have to go in for the three hour test. I was so upset and cried about it. First it is just plain annoying and second I absolutely despise getting my blood drawn. I am still the type of person that cries when a needle is in my presence. So it is something that I absolutely dread but obviously something that needs to be done.
In two weeks I will get a second ultrasound to check on the placenta. I was informed that the placenta is low-lying so if it has not expanded up then I will have placenta previa. It is something that I try not to worry about but everyone knows how that goes. I still worry. I still panic of the possibility. But the percentage is high that it all works out so I am definitely holding on to that!

Here are some details about this amazing experience!
Weight gain: I have gained a total of 19 pounds. Whoop whoop! Baby is just a growing and expanding this mama’s waist line!
Cravings: I have been totally loving oatmeal right now. It is something that I never ate before but for some reason I cannot get enough of it. I have been craving ice cream all day every day but then again I am not so sure that is really a craving cause I was the same way before hand.
Sleep: Sleep is obviously getting harder and harder. I toss and turn all night long in hopes of finding a comfortable spot. The baby has actually managed to wake me up by kicking me in the bladder. So bathroom breaks are happening at least once a night.
Overall feeling: Overall I am beginning to definitely feel pregnant. Moving is becoming harder. Breathing is becoming harder. I get tired pretty easily and tend to push myself over my limit. I try so hard to play with the girls but if I sit too long on the floor I can never get up!
I am looking forward to these next three months! With getting the nursery done and our baby shower, it will certainly be a hectic and fun time!
I love that you are already telling yourself not to worry about the “maybe’s”. If I were to do it again I would totally skip the nasty sweet drink and do it a different way. You look amazing, rest in these last few weeks being pregnant. What will be will be and soon you will hold your boy!
That is all that I can do at this point! Thank you so much!
you are looking SO CUTE with that bump my friend! That shirt is super cute too. I may have to join this link up since im pregnant with our 2nd 🙂
Thank you so much!
Time sure is flying Kristen! You look great!!!
It is going so quickly! Thank you sweet friend!
Looking great! And love your shirt!
Thank you so much
Darling your doing great. You look great. and everything is going to go just as the lord has planned for it to go. I am happy the girls have made the turn around from the revile party. They are going to be big sisters. Keep the pictures coming as this is the only way I get to see you all so often. I love you. Hugs and Kisses from Auntie T.
Thank you Aunt Teri!
Loved this update. And LOVE the pics of you rocking that gorgeous baby bump. Its an exci time for your family and we are rejoicing with you all♡ Cant wait to meet your little boy!!!!!!
Thank you Leah! We are getting very anxious!!!
Love your top and you are getting so close!
Thank you! Yes getting even closer!!!
You look great! The third trimester flies by! I’m 35 weeks this week and I just feel like I started by third trimester!
I know! This trimester will fly by! Congrats on your pregnancy!!!
You look great!! 🙂
Thank you!
What an exciting time! I’m 99% sure that when I’m pregnant one day, I’ll crave ice cream all the time too. I’m pretty much expecting that!
haha yes ice cream has been my go to for all three pregnancies!