Finally! Freedom!

Ahhh we are free. Free to explore. Free to run. Free from these horrible white walls that have confined us. This past week has been so nice that we have been able to go outside. It is such a wonderful feeling to see the girls go play in the snow without worrying about frostbite setting in in about five minutes. The girls were ready to climb and create in the snow. They climbed mountains to save the queen, built the last snowman of the season, and became king of the world! It was great to get out and enjoy the warmer weather.

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Also with the warmer temperatures comes the transition from winter to spring. The early morning frost covering the branches. The warmer sun beaming down on the melting snow. The reflections that can be found within the puddles. These moments create beautiful photos. Hoping this trend continues and we are able to continue to feel free!

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