I often get excited for a new year because of the possibilities. 365 days to explore. 365 days to plan. 365 days to enjoy. I am not one to do New Years resolutions but new year goals. What I hope to accomplish for myself, for my family, for my home. On some goals I falter and on some I exceed my expectations. Either way it is beneficial for me to have a visual of these goals for self reflection. So without further ado here are my goals for 2015.
First goal for myself is to have a better relationship with God and to attend meetings on a regular basis. This is one goal that I continue to strive towards but often feel as though I fall short.
The second goal for myself is to read more! I have always had a love and passion for reading. There is nothing better then sitting down with a book and getting lost within its pages. To become part of the story. To feel what the characters are feeling.
The goal for the family is to explore more. It is a wonderful moment to experience when I take the girls somewhere for the first time and their eyes light up. The ability to put joy in their hearts is one of my greatest achievements. Michigan offers so much beauty that the girls should be soaking it all in.
The first goal for the home is create a budget that works for us. I have always been money conscious but have lacked in creating a budget that we can stick to! It would be nice to see at the end of the year that we are capable of saving money!
The second goal for the home is to finish the home projects I have started and work through some news ones. I am Pinterest obsessed so I think it is time to start creating some of the hundreds of crafts I have pinned!
There are a few more small goals that I want to accomplish throughout the year. My patience, my need to slow down, my attitude. I want to have a beautiful 2015. I want to embrace all the possibilities in my path. So here’s to a new year and a year full of amazing memories!
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